Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Free Credit guy

seriously....who the fuck is this guy? And damn this mother fucker for making these freakin songs so catchy!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Here's hoping...

that Marvin Lewis and the Brown family stick with their stance of C.J. is a Bengal and he will stay a Bengal. Anyone 'demanding' a trade like this deserves, in my opinion, a nice cock punch.
Suck it up C.J. - the press was on you hard for about 10 games...get over it and come in and make your money and do your time, and act like you care (ya know, like normal people do day in and day out)

ya whiney cunt

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Star Wars :Return of the Jedi

I just got done watching Return of the Jedi on Spike TV.At the end, when Luke looks over during the party after blowing up the Death Star and sees the ghosts of Jedi past...what the fuck! Seriously George Lucas...are you fucking kidding me? Look at the pic below and see if you can pic out what has me perplexed

Why the hell did Lucas change out the old Vader ghost for the uppity young Vader ghost? And if he can, during the re-re-editing of his old movies did he not switch out the old Obi-Wan for the cool young Obi-Wan that the young Vader knew? Or for that matter, why not add in Qui-Gon and Mace Windu? He added in scenes of other worlds celebrating the newly blown up Death Star, why not a few more ghosts at the end?

anyway, after watching it I wanted to post some rantings about it. Now check out the rantings of two clerks and the blowing up of the "under construction" Death Star

Monday, April 7, 2008

NCAA Championship game

great game Kansas and Memphis! Way to keep this great tourney going all the way to champ game,and going to O.T. ....fucking awesome!!
I do want to add that it drives me absolutely crazy to hear announcers chime in about how this team or that team has not scored in X number of minutes - or the stat that comes up when one team rattles off three straight baskets (oooh Memphis is on a 6-0 run last 1:30) that has always pushed my buttons!

I almost turned off the game with about two minutes to go, Kansas couldnt make a shot and Memphis was firing on all cylindars...I am very happy that I kept watching.

Great game again boys, I feel for ya Memphis, you guys played your hearts out