Tuesday, March 25, 2008

whiney bastard


ummm...CJ pull the panties outta your crack! Ya know us idiotic Bengal fans think you rule (though I personally would love to see you not alligator arm the passes across the middle) and we want you here. You, TJ and Chris Henry are an excellent combo that I think will be on the level of Indy soon. Yes the def needs to be shored up, and I am frustrated with it is as well. Justin Smith is gone (loved how hard he worked but was not worth millions!) and now there is salary cap room for someone to come in. The def lineman whose trade was canceled was a huge "up yours from the NFL" but think, the Browns got him for a draft pick and Leigh Bodden, that should help ya right?

rock on and quit your bitchin and go an collect a paycheck dude


Not Doug said...

case closed, get rid of him. Do you think your job would put up with you skipping out on a day? Hell after 2 days some employers require a doctor's note.

The NFL should put this new crop of pussies in their place, cut them off and not give them the benefit of the doubt.

Fuck end-zone dances, fuck yellow mohawks on skinny black dudes, fuck spanish numbers...fuck all of that. Give me a group of average receivers that show up to work and keep their mouth shut until they are asked what to order at the drive-thru. I'm sick of Cincinnati sports being the "hand-me-down" city. Why are we stuck with the Eric Miltons, the Bronson Arroyos, the Ken Griffeys, etc?? They were all better before they got to Cincy. Hell look what Homer Bailey is up to these days...didn't he have his own "day at the park" last season? Maybe this year they can celebrate his mediocrity again...

Oh and FYI, fuck UK fans. It's like seeing your neighbor rubbing his dog's nose in shit after it unloaded in the house. HA, fags.

toddo said...

This is a voluntary workout.

If they want him to show up, make it mandatory.

TJ never goes. No media coverage of that.

Not Doug said...

No media coverage because TJ doesn't call the media and tell them his every move. He's not a magnet.

Would you ever think TJ would call himself Ocho-Quatro? No. He's above that.

And if we are comparing TJ to Chad...I know that 1 of the 2 can't take a hit over the middle. And can't keep his mouth shut.

SRV said...

my collect the paycheck comment is directed at C.J.s dumbass for blowing off a report $250,000 that he would get for showing up. If he dont want to go that is fine, but after watching him and Carson misfire a lot of times last season any extra work he can put in (and get paid for it) I think would be to his benefit. T.J. was tied for the most receptions last season....if C.J. was tied for most receptions how quick would Rosenhaus(sp?) have his ass in a re-negotiation session? More catches brother, bigger freakin contract. And as a Bengal fan, motherfuckers, play like you guys know what you are doing!And damn it, get to the second round of the play offs!!!!!

toddo said...

Oh, don't take my comment as if I was defending his dumb ass. I couldn't give two shits about these spoiled pricks. I laugh my ass off when the Bengals lose. They're shitty, they've always been shitty, and they'll always be shitty.

Our cheerleaders aren't even hot!