Sunday, March 9, 2008

To all you Michigan and Florida Democrats:

To everyone that thinks that Florida and Michigan should vote again so that their delegates are allowed to count in the Democrat primary process I say this : Are you fucking retarded?!? You Dems in both states thought that by moving your races up you could influence who was going to be the nominee. You were told by the Dem national committee that if you moved the date of your primary to the date you chose that your delegates wouldnt count and yet you did it anyway. So I say sorry about your freakin luck....stop the whole whining and crying bullshit about how the peoples vote not the "super delegates" should decide the race. Well ya know what, the people in other states are deciding and guess what, they are split down the middle and neither candidate will be able to get the nomination before the convention. I, for one, am happy to see a good old fashioned convention where backroom deals will decide who is a Presidential nominee.

so to sum up, this is what the Dem party of Florida and Michigan get for breaking the rules of your own party!!!!

so no more pissing and guys fucked up, now you gotta pay the price! And for your viewing pleasure here is the best thing about Florida

1 comment:

Not Doug said...

see...that's nothing special. I actually was turned OFF by it. Let me explain...

#1...the song...
#2...the creative license she is taking with rolled jean shorts and fake ugz.
#3...don't pull the bangs so tight off of your forehead..christ.
#4...By the looks of the banner in her room...she's not from Florida.

I've seen a matter of fact...I've fucked much better.