-Way to go Hillary for getting a few wins in finally! And it is hilarious to hear that the Democrats can accuse themselves of voter fraud during elections! (thought only Republicans could rig election results!) And speaking of the primaries, I was happy to see that SNL picked up on the way Obama is being treated by the media compared to anyone else!
-Oh and what is the difference between some liberal dickwad photoshopping something like this about GW - but there is an uproar when a caller, let me repeat that, a CALLER to Rush Limbaugh makes a small joke about Obama looking like Curious George. The one thing that still gets me is, Rush didnt make the joke...good lord and he came back from commercial and immediately apologized about the comment. So get over it fuckers...people are stepping all over the place to not look racist when dealing with Obama, and will have to guess that the first journalist to get rough with him will be labled a racist cocksucker
-Saving Grace (which airs on TNT) is a suprisingly good show. Monday night I caught an episode and then another, gotta love the back to back episodes! So if you get bored and see it on, check it out
-Toddo is running a March Madness poll !! So if you want in, and you have the first initial J. and the last name "Mast" and you want to join up, post a comment to this and i will send you the link!!
-I like cheerleaders -I had a kid at my job today, who heard me talking to someone I work with, look at me in shock and say "Did I just hear you curse?" Now our three or four readers know me and know where I work, to anyone else reading lets just say that I work in a public school. And let me point out that the kid who was shocked, I heard the words "muthafucka" "shit" "bitch" "nigga"and "God damn man" this was all while talking to himself while working on a spreadsheet project for the class. And he is looking at me like my sexy white ass dropped teh "N-bomb" when talking to his teacher.....and for the record i believe I just said "Shit" (without the quotes though!!)
- to wrap it up tonight... I like titties!!

1 comment:
those cheerleaders are effing broke...if you're going to waste my bandwidth at least put something up that I would eventually save to my hard drive and jerk-off too. With the blizzard of '08 in progress...I have a little extra time.
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