Friday, March 14, 2008

March 14

Well God damn it! I heard about the special holiday that today is back in January and yet I totally forgot about is, for all who do not know is the guys version of Valentines day. That is right...mark it on your calender for next year, March 14 is officially "Steak and Blow-Job" day! Remind your woman, she has to treat you right, cook you a kick ass steak and then she has to bob the knob for ya -the swallowing as always is up to her, which means if you are married forget about it, unless you married one of those cool kind of chicks!

In case you are wondering why my black ass is posting this when I should be getting a beej, is my wife works every other weekend, and luck of the draw has her working this weekend. I will demand a belated BJ during her next night off!

have a good one, and welcome to all of my new readers...I love all you teamsters~~!! Hoffa rules yo!!!! oh and can you guys help me start a union for computer technicians? I am getting hosed at my job and I want to stick it to the man!! So help a brother out you U.s.F. Holland boys!!!

enjoy the video

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