Friday, July 25, 2008
link time - some NSFW
What if Tom Brady had his own comic book?
Go to youporn and search for motel69star....she is something to see. I saw her a month or so back in this vid (nsfw) and have been fascinated with her since!
hope ya like the links...wanted to post something and was being lazy, hence the links! and wanted to give KSK the props...I found a link a year ago to a bunch of sports blogs and i believe KSK was the second link i clicked. I did not click on a third..I knew I found something great there!
Sunday, July 13, 2008
How is it that when the price of oil raises a $1.00 the price at the pump jumps a dime..but when, like last week, over a two day period oil dropped almost $10.00 and if i remember right that is around the time the BP on Rt 18 in Florence raised its prices to $4.30. We will never see gas below $3.50 a gallon again will we? Oh and special cock punch is saved for you OPEC shitheads. On the heels of oil dropping nine bucks a statement is issued saying basically "if you gas prices are bad now, wait until the Israeli's and U.S. start a war with Iran". That was a pretty good code for "better get the price of oil back up to $145"...thanks a lot cocksucker! Make sure the price stays high so you can buy a solid platinum toilet to go with your solid gold toilet you already have!
Anyone who has a job has to buy gas to get back and forth, there is no way around that right? But for a nice little cock punch to oil companies I am vowing right now to not go inside any gas station and buy anything other than gas. Same goes with getting a car wash at the stations that offer them, which is something if my car was screamin dirty i would occasionally pop down another 2 bucks for a wash but now...fuck all that. Unless you are giving the car washes for free, cram it up your asses! There is one exception though...the BP on US 42 in Florence, nice people working there and is on my way home where i will stop at times to buy beer, that will be the only gas station that gets my bizness. So feel free to join me in the mini-boycott from buying anything but gas at stations (but you can have one that is convenient to buy beers or coffee, but nothing else!) start going back to the Ameristop that is outta the way instead.
Quick notes -
Brett Favre , dude just stay retired. Look at Jordan's last attempt at unretiring, playing for a crappy team and being past your prime are not good things to have together. I mean many more INT's do you wanna throw?
Odell Thurma, what the fuck happened to you man? You get off the NFL suspension, you then piss off your employer and get released.Then you fuck up again and are for the most part done from the NFL then you knock out some douchebag at a waterpark. Dude you need some help. And get your agent looking at the CFL, bet the Calgary Stampede would take you in a second!
Chris Henry, i totally think that the kid you fought had goaded your punk ass into the fight, BUT after the crap you went through in the last year you should have backed away from it....then have your boys kick the shit outta the kid! But go on knowing that you maybe showed other talented douchebags what not to do.
Joey Votto, Jay Bruce and Ed kids fucking rule! Keep on trucking boys!
Hung out at Mulligans on Saturday nite with a big group of friends and family (and even one of those damned Teamsters!) and damn if that wasnt a good time. Beers were cold, the vodka/cranberry that my wife was getting were nice and strong, and ya gotta love the bartender for that one! Oh and SRV one 4 tickets to Disney World! Woohooo...any bids?
Appetizers at Fridays are fucking awesome! The pot stickers and jack daniels chicken strips....oh.fuck.and yes!!
To round out the nite- found the Miss Universe pagent on tonight. Had to watch because....well because the girls are hott! But I want punch in the mouth whoever decided that it would be a good idea to make the chicks wear pads inside the bra during the swimsuit part. Ya freakin jackass...thanks for killing all the great hard nipple shots! What the fuck! Thumbs up to you Miss Spain for your swimsuit. Oh hells yeah SRV caught the Camel Toe that you were sporting!
the pic is of a Miss Canada from a year or so back, but wanted to give you guys something here
Monday, July 7, 2008
Sorry I have been away for a while
be back soon
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Sunday, May 11, 2008
I am shocked at this revelation!
hell next thing you know the news media are gonna start telling us that the sky is blue, and water is (gasp) wet.
With the Reggie Bush scandal that hit soon after he left USC, and with how highly recruit O.J. Mayo was, how was there not an army of NCAA investigators roaming that campus waiting for someone to fuck up.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Come on ya damn Teamsters....
when you guys go on strike, no matter it is, the viewing public (meaning me) wanna see you guys kicking the shit outta someone!!!!
bring back the knives and bats and shit boys.!!!
that is all
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Free Credit guy
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Here's hoping...
Suck it up C.J. - the press was on you hard for about 10 games...get over it and come in and make your money and do your time, and act like you care (ya know, like normal people do day in and day out)
ya whiney cunt
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Star Wars :Return of the Jedi
Why the hell did Lucas change out the old Vader ghost for the uppity young Vader ghost? And if he can, during the re-re-editing of his old movies did he not switch out the old Obi-Wan for the cool young Obi-Wan that the young Vader knew? Or for that matter, why not add in Qui-Gon and Mace Windu? He added in scenes of other worlds celebrating the newly blown up Death Star, why not a few more ghosts at the end?
anyway, after watching it I wanted to post some rantings about it. Now check out the rantings of two clerks and the blowing up of the "under construction" Death Star
Monday, April 7, 2008
NCAA Championship game
I do want to add that it drives me absolutely crazy to hear announcers chime in about how this team or that team has not scored in X number of minutes - or the stat that comes up when one team rattles off three straight baskets (oooh Memphis is on a 6-0 run last 1:30) that has always pushed my buttons!
I almost turned off the game with about two minutes to go, Kansas couldnt make a shot and Memphis was firing on all cylindars...I am very happy that I kept watching.
Great game again boys, I feel for ya Memphis, you guys played your hearts out
Saturday, March 29, 2008
suck on this one Cal / Stanford
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Get your ass in gear Axl !!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
whiney bastard
ummm...CJ pull the panties outta your crack! Ya know us idiotic Bengal fans think you rule (though I personally would love to see you not alligator arm the passes across the middle) and we want you here. You, TJ and Chris Henry are an excellent combo that I think will be on the level of Indy soon. Yes the def needs to be shored up, and I am frustrated with it is as well. Justin Smith is gone (loved how hard he worked but was not worth millions!) and now there is salary cap room for someone to come in. The def lineman whose trade was canceled was a huge "up yours from the NFL" but think, the Browns got him for a draft pick and Leigh Bodden, that should help ya right?
rock on and quit your bitchin and go an collect a paycheck dude
Sunday, March 23, 2008
March Madness
Good for you Xavier for overcoming a bad start and going off big time!! Suck it Duke, Arizona and USC for sticking it to my brackets!!!! Not that I would have won but...ya know, you gotta play for a chance to win!
that is all, oh and yeah hey, Gov Richardson...awesome beard my brother!!

Thursday, March 20, 2008
I can't say this enough
And yeah are freakin hilarious by refering to Rush Limbaugh as the comedian. Saying about Hannity's comments about Barry Obama if elected "will be a racist and anti-semite" that "wouldnt that mean he would be close to your listeners?"
Jeebus what a fuckin hardon -
I for one would not be suprised if one of Olberman's staffers had put the "death threat" comment on the Fox news site, and at the same time I have heard Hannity talk about things left on message boards of Olberman's about both of you fuckers quit quoting anonymous comments left by whack jobs...they dont represent what normal people think.
oh and Olberman, I agree with Cheney and his "so what" comment.. the U.S. is in a war, do you think that we should drop everything and get out because a poll is taken that shows a majority is against the war? If you believe that feel free to vote Democrat in November...and instead of the U.S. being the international that you boners think we are now, we will be the pussies of the world. Go ahead and pull us out of Iraq and Afghanistan (or is that the good war?) whatever. Take us out of Iraq and see what happens in a short time..
to sum up, suck my sweaty hairy balls Olberman! I cant believe I ever thought you were cool when you were on ESPN, suck it douchebag!
Monday, March 17, 2008
What a cool school !!
oh and the kid who introduces the basketball practice...yeah he's a dealer. Nino Brown Jr that kid is...and he is a smart ass prick as well (had words with the little bastard today) reap what you sow Nino!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, March 14, 2008
March 14
In case you are wondering why my black ass is posting this when I should be getting a beej, is my wife works every other weekend, and luck of the draw has her working this weekend. I will demand a belated BJ during her next night off!
have a good one, and welcome to all of my new readers...I love all you teamsters~~!! Hoffa rules yo!!!! oh and can you guys help me start a union for computer technicians? I am getting hosed at my job and I want to stick it to the man!! So help a brother out you U.s.F. Holland boys!!!
enjoy the video
Monday, March 10, 2008
The Wire - Series finale
All I know is that as soon as the series are available in a box set, I am going to buy and am going to nerd out to it big time , and this is my invite for all my bois to come and root for McNulty, Bunk, Marlo, Barksdale, Stringer, PropJoe, The Greek, Chris & Snoop and the youngin, Bubbles, Kima, Herc, Carver , Ronnie, Cheese, Beatrice, Weee-Bey, Namond, Bunny, and Randy (who was among many of the great characters who were denied an award for this amazing show)
Please keep up the good work HBO, what an outstanding series!!!
Sunday, March 9, 2008
To all you Michigan and Florida Democrats:
so to sum up, this is what the Dem party of Florida and Michigan get for breaking the rules of your own party!!!!

so no more pissing and guys fucked up, now you gotta pay the price! And for your viewing pleasure here is the best thing about Florida
Friday, March 7, 2008
for both of our readers
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
-Way to go Hillary for getting a few wins in finally! And it is hilarious to hear that the Democrats can accuse themselves of voter fraud during elections! (thought only Republicans could rig election results!) And speaking of the primaries, I was happy to see that SNL picked up on the way Obama is being treated by the media compared to anyone else!
-Oh and what is the difference between some liberal dickwad photoshopping something like this about GW - but there is an uproar when a caller, let me repeat that, a CALLER to Rush Limbaugh makes a small joke about Obama looking like Curious George. The one thing that still gets me is, Rush didnt make the joke...good lord and he came back from commercial and immediately apologized about the comment. So get over it fuckers...people are stepping all over the place to not look racist when dealing with Obama, and will have to guess that the first journalist to get rough with him will be labled a racist cocksucker
-Saving Grace (which airs on TNT) is a suprisingly good show. Monday night I caught an episode and then another, gotta love the back to back episodes! So if you get bored and see it on, check it out
-Toddo is running a March Madness poll !! So if you want in, and you have the first initial J. and the last name "Mast" and you want to join up, post a comment to this and i will send you the link!!
-I like cheerleaders -I had a kid at my job today, who heard me talking to someone I work with, look at me in shock and say "Did I just hear you curse?" Now our three or four readers know me and know where I work, to anyone else reading lets just say that I work in a public school. And let me point out that the kid who was shocked, I heard the words "muthafucka" "shit" "bitch" "nigga"and "God damn man" this was all while talking to himself while working on a spreadsheet project for the class. And he is looking at me like my sexy white ass dropped teh "N-bomb" when talking to his teacher.....and for the record i believe I just said "Shit" (without the quotes though!!)
- to wrap it up tonight... I like titties!!

Sunday, March 2, 2008
Starting the week off right
99 Words For Boobs - Watch more free videos
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Fuck you CBS
edit: thanks for bringing the game back....looks as if U.K. is doing their damndest to make this game very very interesting!!
post game edit : U.K. has won the game and is still barely holding on to a spot on the NCAA bubble. Without a great run in the upcoming SEC tourney they are gonna be sweating out a spot in the tournament and might be lucky to get a 14 seed
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Patriot fan rant
Thanks KSK for originally posting guys fuckin rule
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Teh Super Bowl
That outta the way, good for you Giants!!! It was great to see Brady get knocked on his ass a ton of times!!!!Your Def was tough as hell and Eli you played good enough not to lose...good for you man!!
to wrap it up...rock on Giants, way to scrape out a win!!
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Political thoughts
-Do the Democrats and Republicans have to sit on opposite sides of the room? Make those MF'ers sit either by the time they have spent in the Senate or House, or by state...sorry about your luck Wyoming...get your ass to the back!
-Has anyone else noticed that Obama,Mccain, Kucinich and Hilary all pretty much campaigned all year in 2007 and yet still got paid to represent their respective states. I think that is crap and if any Senator wants to run for President, they should have to resign before hand. Then again if Kucinich had to resign from office we wouldnt get to hear his crazy ass speeches from the senate floor!
-Earmarks....seriously are you senators on fucking crack? Or how about this...yeah you can give $40 million to build a bridge in Alaska that the same 45 people will use per month yet there is no money to be had to replace the Brent Spence ? Yeah KY and OH...lets make that a toll bridge, great freakin idea. I will park at the front of the toll and do my damndest to back up traffic to Lexington if this ever happens (on a daily basis as well)
-is anyone else annoyed by the retarded standing ovations in the state of the union?
-I have come to realize that John Mccain is lying cocksucker (or at least can spin what he said to make it spin mccain?)
-the media hating mitt romney has made me like him.....thanks CNN!
- Dennis Kucinich's wife is hott as hell and if he would have let her campaign like Bill Clinton then he would not have dropped out
- All of you fuckers in congress are responsible for the Social Security mess that is coming soon. I will not pay any more SSN taxes than I already do for something that you screwed up. How about you cocks take a major huge pay cut (or send 50% of your salary to the "lock box" that you guys thought was a piggy bank) for a few years and get it back to where it will be what FDR thought it would be. If you dont want to donate your salary then fix the damn thing!!! You cant get anything done in the house unless it has something to do with steriods or an "economic stimulus"...get your heads straight jackasses
anyway just wanted to throw this out there, rock on
Thursday, January 24, 2008
I am so going to hell for this....

this is all I could picture in my head :
it had to be thrown out there...heres hoping the Dr report is good for you Pollack and you can come back. God knows the Bengals need someone to punch Odell Thurman in the nads a few times for being a dumbass
rock on
Double OH - What the Fuck?

Friday, January 18, 2008
SRV is back damn it!!
just found this video on college humor and had to share it....enjoy the urban legends
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Saturday, January 5, 2008