How is it that when the price of oil raises a $1.00 the price at the pump jumps a dime..but when, like last week, over a two day period oil dropped almost $10.00 and if i remember right that is around the time the BP on Rt 18 in Florence raised its prices to $4.30. We will never see gas below $3.50 a gallon again will we? Oh and special cock punch is saved for you OPEC shitheads. On the heels of oil dropping nine bucks a statement is issued saying basically "if you gas prices are bad now, wait until the Israeli's and U.S. start a war with Iran". That was a pretty good code for "better get the price of oil back up to $145"...thanks a lot cocksucker! Make sure the price stays high so you can buy a solid platinum toilet to go with your solid gold toilet you already have!
Anyone who has a job has to buy gas to get back and forth, there is no way around that right? But for a nice little cock punch to oil companies I am vowing right now to not go inside any gas station and buy anything other than gas. Same goes with getting a car wash at the stations that offer them, which is something if my car was screamin dirty i would occasionally pop down another 2 bucks for a wash but now...fuck all that. Unless you are giving the car washes for free, cram it up your asses! There is one exception though...the BP on US 42 in Florence, nice people working there and is on my way home where i will stop at times to buy beer, that will be the only gas station that gets my bizness. So feel free to join me in the mini-boycott from buying anything but gas at stations (but you can have one that is convenient to buy beers or coffee, but nothing else!) start going back to the Ameristop that is outta the way instead.
Quick notes -
Brett Favre , dude just stay retired. Look at Jordan's last attempt at unretiring, playing for a crappy team and being past your prime are not good things to have together. I mean many more INT's do you wanna throw?
Odell Thurma, what the fuck happened to you man? You get off the NFL suspension, you then piss off your employer and get released.Then you fuck up again and are for the most part done from the NFL then you knock out some douchebag at a waterpark. Dude you need some help. And get your agent looking at the CFL, bet the Calgary Stampede would take you in a second!
Chris Henry, i totally think that the kid you fought had goaded your punk ass into the fight, BUT after the crap you went through in the last year you should have backed away from it....then have your boys kick the shit outta the kid! But go on knowing that you maybe showed other talented douchebags what not to do.
Joey Votto, Jay Bruce and Ed kids fucking rule! Keep on trucking boys!
Hung out at Mulligans on Saturday nite with a big group of friends and family (and even one of those damned Teamsters!) and damn if that wasnt a good time. Beers were cold, the vodka/cranberry that my wife was getting were nice and strong, and ya gotta love the bartender for that one! Oh and SRV one 4 tickets to Disney World! Woohooo...any bids?
Appetizers at Fridays are fucking awesome! The pot stickers and jack daniels chicken strips....oh.fuck.and yes!!
To round out the nite- found the Miss Universe pagent on tonight. Had to watch because....well because the girls are hott! But I want punch in the mouth whoever decided that it would be a good idea to make the chicks wear pads inside the bra during the swimsuit part. Ya freakin jackass...thanks for killing all the great hard nipple shots! What the fuck! Thumbs up to you Miss Spain for your swimsuit. Oh hells yeah SRV caught the Camel Toe that you were sporting!
the pic is of a Miss Canada from a year or so back, but wanted to give you guys something here
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