Thursday, December 27, 2007


It is starting soon.....will the Patriots actually go undefeated this season. I am guessing they will as they overcame a few crappy games to scrape out a win and they suprisingly made it past the great Miami Dolphins last week. The big question we want to hear all the pain in the ass Patriot fans to be able to talk forever about how they went 16-0? I dont...I would rather have those uppitty fuckers from the '72 Dolphin die out as the only undefeated team (when the hell is Shula gonna kick off anyway?)
Anyway, come on Eli ya freakin nerd.....get a late season win, and will someone please put a helmet to the knee of Tom Brady? (check out the name of the pic....thought that was awesome!)

update during the game :holy crap is that #89 for the Giants the next Mark Bavaro or what? MF'er is huge!


toddo said...

I really wasn't rooting against them like everyone else, which is surprising since I'm sucha negative bastard.

I don't know why, but I'm glad they went undefeated. It was cool to see such domination. I'm actually more tired of the people whining about them running up the score or going for it on 4th down when they are up. Fuck that! Maybe if your team was better you could fucking stop them.

I think society's soft feel-good attitude and 'we're all winners just for trying' shit has made everyone into a bunch of pussies. They are playing professional football. The point is to win. Get better if you don't like it. Otherwise, shut the fuck up.

Wasn't it Woody Hayes, when asked why he went for two against Michigan when they were up by thirty, who answered "Because we couldn't go for three!"?

That's what it's all about. Stop bitching about it.

I will say that I'm not looking forward to the media coverage and semen spilling that will accompany the stories, but I can always change the channel at that point.

Oh, and Gumbel is still shitty!

Not Doug said...

I agree!! I want to see the Patriots wax every team out there. Sports has become the feel-good industry in America. Even down to the youth level. Why is it so bad that my team can't full court press yours?? Why can't my son steal the ball away from yours and a put up a 15 leaner in the paint? Now it's about little Johnny's feelings and having a good time.

I say run up the score, don't let up, otherwise you're teaching a kid how to keep the score close not how to win.

As for the Bengals....go 'fins.