But I CAN NOT honestly believe that a great, natural player such as Hal Morris could have been juicing.

I worked for the Red's back in the early 90's (missed the series but saw a playoff series) and got to know Hal from working there and at Larosa's at the same time. Once a week starting after spring training in 1991 Hal would come to lunch at the Larosa's I worked at once a week, he would eat spaghetti, salad (ranch dressing) and ice tea. He was such a super nice guy that I could not help but think he was cool as hell. I was on the groundcrew for the Red's so I got to meet a lot of the players, most of them had the attitude of "fuck off dude, I am a ball player" but not Hal..he would take a minute to chat with me and my co-workers on the 'Crew, and always had a kind word. Hal was ranked second as the favorite of the 'Crew only because he played at the same time as Jose Rijo, who will always rank in my mind as my favorite Red EVER (again Hal close #2) Of all the autographs I got while at the Red's, Hal is one of my favs

Any way to wrap it up..Hal, if you did what is mentioned in the article that is your business, but just saying as a fan - I do not believe it. I saw daily how hard you worked on your swing, you were always in the cage or had a tee out smackin into the net...you were my "shoeless Joe" if that doesnt sound too gay. But if you did this Hal, I am one fan who is pretty disappointed here.
Yeah dude, it totally sounds gay.
I like Hal Morris and all, but I'm not going to blow him like you did.
aww gay.
Hal is cool...he was a nice guy and so not a juicer
and yeah that sounds pretty gay, aww crap!
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