There is something so fuckin irritatingy about Al Michaels and John Madden on NBC. I used to love listening to them commentate games up until this year, maybe it is just hearing the same bullshit lines over and over again. Think back to any game you have heard them do, and picture any receiver who catches a pass right on the first down marker, and I swear to you that no matter what the down and distance on that play, you will hear "Well he knows exactly how much to get on every play" Umm, excuse me AL, that fucking guy is running a slant, and yes he knows how far he needs to go for a first...time for a new line grandpa!!!
Also fuck NBC for having Keith Olbermans jackass on a sports show...he had his chance with ESPN and he burned that bridge, stick with your anti-Bush rants on MSNBC fuckstick!
And the final fuck you is for showing this tonight:

I first saw this sammich a few years back and have been jonesin for it since! Fuckin Primanti bros.....your sammichs look so good! Please....please for the love of all that is good and holy, open up shop somewhere here in Cinci! I will come and work for ya!!!! Oh, man, look at that shit , any big honkin deli sammich you want - topped with some slaw and a big handfull of fries...oh hells yeah!! I want to drive to Pittsburgh one day next summer eat at a Primanti Bros, then load up the car with a few cases of Yuengling and all will be right with the world! KB you up for a road trip in 2008??
my rant is done....please go about your business
That MAY be the most f-bombs i've ever read in a blog post.
I'm in for the trip to Pittsburgh. The Yuengling is great and the women are loose.
I'm almost old enough to realize that a cold beer and a good sandwich is better than a piece of ass. Count me in.
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