Sunday, April 13, 2008

Star Wars :Return of the Jedi

I just got done watching Return of the Jedi on Spike TV.At the end, when Luke looks over during the party after blowing up the Death Star and sees the ghosts of Jedi past...what the fuck! Seriously George Lucas...are you fucking kidding me? Look at the pic below and see if you can pic out what has me perplexed

Why the hell did Lucas change out the old Vader ghost for the uppity young Vader ghost? And if he can, during the re-re-editing of his old movies did he not switch out the old Obi-Wan for the cool young Obi-Wan that the young Vader knew? Or for that matter, why not add in Qui-Gon and Mace Windu? He added in scenes of other worlds celebrating the newly blown up Death Star, why not a few more ghosts at the end?

anyway, after watching it I wanted to post some rantings about it. Now check out the rantings of two clerks and the blowing up of the "under construction" Death Star

1 comment:

toddo said...

I agree! That's total garbage. I like the originals better.

OK, maybe the new high-tech Jabba the Hutt animation was cool, but for the love of God, the Jar-Jar Binks shit was intolerable. Stop making shit for kids and just cater to the adults.

Everything doesn't have to be kid-friendly! Vegas tried that too, it didn't work. Kids suck.