Sunday, November 4, 2007

Going Green?

NBC...are you shitting me? Doing highlights during halftime Sunday night witht the lights in the studio off, so that they can go "Green". According to Bob Costas (who mind you is not worth the steam of my piss) stated that with the lights off for the halftime show that they save enough energy to power 100 normal homes. Those hard ons have candles on the desk to have some light their faces, yet there is neon lights and scrolling info bars going all over the place.

I am all for saving energy if it can be saved, as in normal people turning their lamps off if not needed is great. And I guess I am for NBC showing people that energy should be conserved, and as long as they dont preach the whole "Do as we say not as we do " thing that is great. But if they start the preaching I will start my bitching!! God help em if I hear the words "purchased carbon credits for...." carbon credits are such a farce, that I am honestly happy that someone is scamming "green" MF'ers ~!!!!

Until that time, turn your lights off if not in the room, but dont do anything else to raise your electric bill - damn the man people!!!
rock on,


OPE said...

the only thing green at this house is me.superball fastballed to the nuts,2hrs later direct hit to the same ball with a football(same kid)FOR SALE 1 7yr old tremendous arm even better aim. best offer- trades for vicodyn considered

SRV said...

Aiden got ya in the jewels eh? That is the bonus of having kids that no one ever tells ya : your nuts are fair game at any given time. I have been hit in the nads on a daily basis for the last 8 years!

toddo said...

I saw that fucking joke of a pretentious halftime show and had every intention of venting about it on here. I'm glad you did the background, that leaves me time to just bitch.

I thought the best part was when Collinsworth kept joking around about shit, shining flashlights in Costas's eyes and making spooky dark sounds while they cut away to headjob Matt Lauer up in the Arctic circle. Lauer got all holier than thou with his "we could do without the giggling, guys" line. Fuck you Matt. Like you're really sleeping in a fucking igloo. Suck my cock you arrogant fucking ass bag. Go back to jacking off to Spectravision in your hotel room and stop trying to make me feel like I'm evil because my house is warm and I drive an SUV.

I hate that mother fucker. Just because you can read cue cards doesn't make you smarter than me. That chink bitch on your morning show is ten times the man you are. Why don't you suck her dick.

OK, I feel better. That segment just really pissed me off.