Saturday, November 24, 2007

Go on with your bad self Kucinich!!!

Clicking around on Michelle Malkin's web site on a cold boring Saturday afternoon and found a few mentions to a whack-job site called prison planet. Apparently the nutbar who runs the site thinks that we are all prisoners in this hell hole called the U.S. of A. - but that is not the point of this post, the point is there is an article on that site with the headline "Elizabeth Kucinich: My husband would absolutely consider running with Ron Paul" From the thumbnail of Mr. and Mrs. Kucinich I had to google her and boy was I glad I did that!

Behold your next First Lady:

So I am here to say, good for you Dennis...the best move for you right now would be to take her everywhere with you, get her in front of the cameras, hell take her on stage with you to the debates (or at least point to her in the crowd and get her smokin hott rack out there for the world to see!!!!! At the very least the showing of your hott wife - dare I say MILF?- would help push Biden's plagairizing ass out of the race and maybe he will take the spic with him!

SRV is now throwing his support out for Mrs Kucinich, anything I can do to you/for you just let me know, I got a "soupcan" just for you chickie!Oh and she has a sexy Brit accent as well...what a woman!

To be fair and balanced here lets show the rest of the hott Republican and Democrat signifagant others in the race for First Lady:
Mrs Fred Thompson

Mrs Obama
Mrs Guiliani

Mr Hilary And finally Mrs Mitt Romney :


SRV said...

I about shit when I saw how hott Mrs K was...I even pulled my wife over to check her out. Nothing like telling your wife that you think this chick over there is rippin ass hott right?

Not Doug said...

I think Mrs Thompson is the kind of girl that loves it in her ass. She has that "i'm-40-and-can-still-take-a-table-leg-in-the-pooper" look.