Ya know what... the freakin ads for this whole "Click it or Ticket" campaign is annoying as hell. Wearing your seatbelt is the law, yeah that is great, but seriously why all the radio and tv commercials? I understand having billboards or signs along the highway concerning the new rules, but good fucking lord, stop the damn commercials!!! Last year it was 800 commercials on every fucking channel about not drinking and driving (cause ya know, "over the limit, under arrest") and this year it is fucking seatbelts.
Maybe I am just over reacting about all this but here anyway is a list of what pisses me off about these kind of commercials:
1) What is the deal with spending a brazillion dollars to let us know about laws that are common sense. Yeah we know drunk driving is against the rules, but ya know, it is just fun.
2) I find it hilarious that seat belts are mandatory but helmets are not required for motorcycles.
3) Why not make commercials telling people that rape, murder, arson and rape are illegal as well. Oh did I mention rape twice? My bad...I like rape. (please tell me someone got that reference)
4) The last thing is really, havent seat belts been mandatory for 10 years now? Giving people a warning about checking for it is just retarded in my opinion. I was in a car wreck 10 years ago when some old woman didnt notice that 3 lanes of traffic came to a stop and she was nice enough to smash into me, since then i wear my seatbelt everytime i get in the car. It is a little something to possibly keep my ass from going through the windshield in case of a wreck. But I gotta say, I think it should be voluntary....if a dumbass wants to drive a rice burner like he is Nick freakin Hogan without a seatbelt then I for one welcome that shit....weed out the morons I say!!
Maybe I am just over reacting about all this but here anyway is a list of what pisses me off about these kind of commercials:
1) What is the deal with spending a brazillion dollars to let us know about laws that are common sense. Yeah we know drunk driving is against the rules, but ya know, it is just fun.
2) I find it hilarious that seat belts are mandatory but helmets are not required for motorcycles.
3) Why not make commercials telling people that rape, murder, arson and rape are illegal as well. Oh did I mention rape twice? My bad...I like rape. (please tell me someone got that reference)
4) The last thing is really, havent seat belts been mandatory for 10 years now? Giving people a warning about checking for it is just retarded in my opinion. I was in a car wreck 10 years ago when some old woman didnt notice that 3 lanes of traffic came to a stop and she was nice enough to smash into me, since then i wear my seatbelt everytime i get in the car. It is a little something to possibly keep my ass from going through the windshield in case of a wreck. But I gotta say, I think it should be voluntary....if a dumbass wants to drive a rice burner like he is Nick freakin Hogan without a seatbelt then I for one welcome that shit....weed out the morons I say!!